Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Exactness in Tracking

Being perfectly exact on a food diary is harder than I remembered!  I've done it before-- back when I first started the diabetes plan and the nurses were picky about wanting to know every single bite I put into my mouth and when, but over the last five years I've gotten sloppy.  Yesterday I really tried to pay attention so I could enter everything, but who wants to note down the 2 goldfish you popped in your mouth while getting a snack for your toddler?  Or the single chocolate chocolate chip you snitched?

I wonder how much that all adds up to in a day?  Is it significant or not?

I guess it depends on how often I'm doing it and how big my "snitches" are.  Today I'm going to try again to be as exact as I can.  Might help if I can keep from popping random things in my mouth.

Now, as far as weighing in . . . I've been weighing myself once a day for years now, so I think I'm going to continue to do that.  It seems to be the most effective tool for keeping tabs on where I stand.  But as far as my "official" number that I'm going to use here to track my progress, I think I'll use whatever number on the scale that comes up Saturday morning.  Perhaps I'm cheating a bit, because Saturday morning tends to be my lowest number of the week (maybe because of my long runs), but I feel that as long as I'm consistent it will still be an accurate picture of my loss.  (LOSS!  NOT GAIN!)

On to another day of accountable eating!

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