Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Heidi's Weigh-In #8

So my weigh-in on Sunday was 149.0 lbs.  Seriously????  I think my body conspires when it's time for me to actually record the weight.  During the week I saw my weight get as low as 146.2.  So the 149 was a bit (OK, more than a bit) disappointing.

Not giving up yet.  I only fail when I quit.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Umm, Checking In, Kinda

No posts for two weeks!

In my defense, my life has been crazy around here.  However, I'm fairly proud of the fact that I have still (mostly) kept my eating in line despite the insanity.  Also, my exercise has been consistent, hooray for that!  With all my hard work, my official weigh in last Sunday was at 148.0 lbs.  Which means I've lost all the weight I put on during vacation.

*doing a little happy dance*

I know, some people might look at me askance for celebrating re-losing weight I had already lost the month before, but let's face it, in the reality of long-term healthy weight maintenance, vacation is going to throw you off track.   Maybe once or twice you've probably gone on vacation and still managed to hold fast to your ultra-low-carb lifestyle or whatever strict diet is currently in vogue, but most of us like to enjoy ourselves on vacation-- and in my case, that means enjoying the meals out that I'm eating.  It also means snacking like crazy while trying to stay awake on a long car drive.  So I'm not going to get down on myself and focus on the fact that if I hadn't gained any vacation weight I would be that much farther ahead.  Instead, I'm going to focus on the fact that I enjoyed my vacation, and then got back into my healthy eating groove when I got home!  (That's the tricky part.)

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Vacation is HARD when it comes to weight loss.  I know that up front, and I try to resign myself to the fact that I will not make any progress during a trip.  Hoping the lessen any weight gain I still stick to an exercise regime and try to be somewhat conscious of my food choices.

This time I was particularly pleased with myself because I even managed to get in a full 13 mile run Saturday morning, including hills (a new experience for a girl who lives in desert flat land).  But I can't say I ate sensibly.  Not exactly.

Still, I couldn't help the shock when I stepped on the scale back home and found I'd gained nearly 7 pounds!

All that work I've done over the last two months, completely down the tube.  But there is an important weight loss lesson here too.  I could throw in the towel, beat myself up for "failing," and simply eat my way back up the scale.  Or I can pick myself up off the ground, remind myself that I only fail if I give up, and wade back into the fray again.

I choose option #2.  It's not over yet!